Saeron Technology

Electronic microscope, Electron beam welding machine, Scanning electron microscope, Electron beam, FE-SEM and more

Nano Manipulator (FINGER)

Series Hybrid E-Beam System & Application
Product Description


Features : 1) Material Research   2) Forensics / Crime research

Technology and Certification : Certificates



Apply for the Advanced Nano Manipulator of Switzerland & Germany

Are you working in the field of …
1) Material Research
2) Forensics / Crime research
3) Dimensional Quality Control          
4) High Resolution Analysis
5) Tribology in-SEM Nanofabrication
6) Semiconductor development and production



Saeron Technology Nano Manipulator (FINGER)

Target specifications

1) Cartesian movement of independent axes (important for an easy operation)

2) Absolute positioning vertical axis (in the "blind" direction of a SEM)

3) Optional position sensors also for XY axes, repeatability better 60 nm

4) Small design (to fit in any chamber)

5) Many options to fix tools easily

6) Robust (crash resistant)

7) Movable (by hand or by collisions) without loosing the position information

8) Pure piezo drive from nm to cm stroke (no electro motor coupled with a piezo)

9) Resolution of single Nanometers

10) A real fine positioning stroke of at least 1 micron

11) Vibrations of the whole manipulator below 10 nm

12) Stroke selectable in a range between 5 and 50 mm

13) Modular design to choose size and stroke for each axis

14) Stationary assembly => sample can move independent from manipulator

15) "Micro-Jackhammer" mode (with e.g. 50 G accelerations) to process material

16) Network Electronics with external intelligence for compatibility with any SEM