Manufacturer of Various seeding M/C

Various Seeding Rolls

Series Roll Type
Product Description

Features of seeding roll

- 1/2/3 row types and zig zag processing (special roll & coating seeding roll)
-  Electrostatic-handling processed
- CNC (there-dimensional precision processing)

Method to choose a proper seeding roll

External diameter33.545566.57899111213.5

Seed name/ Seeding roll standards

Seed nameSeeding roll standardsSeed nameSeeding roll standards
Bok choy, Indian mustard, vitaminYYJ-12Chives, chamnamulA-6
Winter-grown cabbageYJ-12SorghumR-12
Crown daisyMJ-12SoybeanN-6
SpinachF-12Wheat, buckwheatC-12
CarrotM-12Rice, barleyAA-6
Young radishFJ-12SesameX-8
RadishQ-4Sweet cornS-4
Curled mallowYK-12CornU-4

Choosing a roll based on a hopper cover

Pour some seeds into a cover, spread them evenly and choose a suitable groove standard.

Development of seeding roll made of electrostatic handling material 

Seeding roll > Discharge of seeds (blocking a brush) >
Discharge of static electricity (discharged to the ground though a plough) > Accurate amount of and distance between seeds

Conductivity test (discharge of static electricity)Constant temperature heat treatment
(stress removal in the rainy season)

Various way of processing even quality of seeding rolls through using CNC milling machine