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UART Controller

Model SB16C1058_TQ128
Series Semiconductor
Catalog sysbas_59626_tzxwqb.pdf
Product Description

– 256Byte TX/RX FIFOs
– Dedicated two Control Pins for RS422 and RS485 Bus Auto Control
– Data Rate up to 5.3Mbps
– Global Interrupt and Interrupt Vector Processing
– H/W and S/W Flow Control (Auto-RTS/CTS and Xon/Xoff)
– Expandable up to 32 ports without any glue logics in the MIO Bus



SystemBase UART Controller SB16C1058_TQ128


SystemBase UART Controller SB16C1058_TQ128 1


SystemBase UART Controller SB16C1058_TQ128 2


SystemBase UART Controller SB16C1058_TQ128 3

Products of SystemBase