

Multi-Channel VOA

Model VA20/VA24
Series VOA
Product Description

ChemOptics VOA is a compact variable optical attenuator that provides low insertion loss, a small footprint, and extremely high reliability. 
 Based on polymer planar lightwave circuit(PPLC) technology and unique operating principle, this VOA delivers more than 25 dB of dynamic attenuation range with less than 20 mW of power consumption per channel and can be easily scaled to multi-channel VOA.
 With outstanding features and excellent price-performance ratio, it provides special advantages in metro and DWDM networks. 


- Compact size
- Low insertion loss
- Low power consumption
- High reliability(no moving part)
- Wide dynamic range
- Based on polymer planar lightwave circuit

- Optical integrated circuits 
- Power equalization in WDM system
- Overload protection
- Channel ON/OFF switching
- Mux/Demux module
- OADM   

Optical Specifications

ChemOptics Multi-Channel VOA VA20/VA24
- The specifications are applied over Tambient, of -5 ~ 70℃unless noted otherwise
- Excluding connectors 


Electrical & Mechanical Specifications

ChemOptics Multi-Channel VOA VA20/VA24 1


Outline Dimensions and Pin Configurations 

ChemOptics Multi-Channel VOA VA20/VA24 2