Eunha Air Tech

Air dryer, Pressure vessel, Storage tank, Energy saving device and more

Low Pressure Type Air Dryer

Model ELP Series
Series Products
Product Description

The package type air dryer produces dry air at the blower’s low dew point instead of the compressor. Make use of dry air from the dryer discharge valve to regenerate, and collect and reuse after heating and cooling to prevent air loss and to lower the dew point by allowing dry air to regenerate. 
 (Regenerated air consumption: 0%)  

ㆍProduction specification 
Capacity: 1,000 N㎥/HR or less
Dew point: PDP -40℃ to -70℃ or below  

ㆍAdvantages and disadvantages 
Advantage: Has small installation area and does not consume regenerated air Disadvantage: Both chiller and cooling water are required.  

ㆍClosed circuit 
A completely closed piping at regeneration prevents air loss and lowers dew point by using dry air at outlet.  

Eunha Air Tech Low Pressure Type Air Dryer ELP Series