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Low Pressure Machine

Series Automotive Interior Parts Production System
Product Description

Structure and Characteristics 

This is the machine that can produce the products of complex shape at a short cycle.
Melted material can be inserted into the open die by using the injector, and then resin of the low viscosity can be guided to all corners of the die to form the products of complex shape with fast cycle time by applying high pressure 

It consists of mainly two parts, press and injector, and the press consists of frame that can withstand the high pressure, and hydraulic, piping, and electrical parts. 

It has excellent workability and productivity
First, die is inserted from left side to the center of the press, while upper and lower bolsters are opened, and then injector on the right side injects the material(resin) of a liquid form in a straight direction into the die. 
 When the material restores back to the orgianal state, press goes down first at a high speed, and then slows down when nearing the die, and the resin inside the die gets uniformly distributed in the die by the pressure exeted from the upper die.
Because of its high workability and productivity, the produced products will surely have the competitive edges in pricing and quality.