Automation machine manufacturer, Hydraulic press, Molding machine Die spotting machine, Deep drawing press and more

Promises to manufacture the best products that can compete in the global market.

I would like to convey my deepest thanks to our customers for ahving extended their support and interest to KUKDONG ENG. With your invaluable support, KUKDONG, the largest hydraulic press maker locally, is gaining strong reputation of high quality products at locally and internationally.

KUKDONG ENG has been evolved as an enterprise that commits itslef in satisfying its customers’ requirements by the pursuit of new technology and high qualitya s top priorities on the mechanical business areas.

Since the inauguration as KUKDONG hydraulic press maker, KUKDONG ENG has been doing only the very best in order to lead the local processing mechanical industry. It continues to lead the wayby manufacturing and supplying vaorius systems which include but are not limited to universal press for plastic processing, high-tech press such as combinate transfer press and highly precise die spotting press, as well as associaetd systems including shuttle robot, loader/unloader. Through the export ofthese products to the vaiorus markets across the globe,
the advanced technical expertise of KUKDONG ENG is being knownin ternationally.

On the philosophy of “Customer satisfaction management’based on 4S symbol that stands for Study, Sincere, Skill and Smile, KUKDONG ENG is doing its ebst in order to provide only the highest quality products and the best service available.