Automated Storage & Retrieval System manufacturer, AGC, Auto crane and more


Series Case study
Catalog shinheung_14994_otikrb.pdf
Product Description

Petrochemical industry

Petrochemical industry requires detailed attention on risk management of storing inflammable and explosive products. Therefore, considering the features of each product, procedures on how they should be handled, any special protection in regard to temperature, humidity, firefighting measures should be properly provided based on wide range of experiences.


Industry solutions

With profound amount of experiences in petrochemical industry, we offer the most ideal solutions. To prevent any potential risk which can be caused by toxic, reactive or flammable materials, SMC provide designs on the basis of anti-explosive materials & components following PSM (Process Safety Management ) requiring hazards management in chemical sectors. Against constant increase in demand for high-quality service, SMC tries to work closely to best suit your need.