Front Carrier Inspection Equipment
It measures the distance between the centers of the two bearings with a load of 5kg, chooses the Shim to assemble. Manual Gauge is used for measurement.
ㆍMeasuring Accuracy : ≤1㎛
ㆍCycle Time : 45 초
ㆍRepeatability : ≤1㎛
ㆍGrading & Marking
ㆍManual Gage for Shim
ㆍShim Stacker
Automatic Measuring Machine for Differential Case
The Measuring Machine is designed to measure specified dimensional and geometric parameters of the differential case for selecting shim on 100% of the parts manufactured according to customer's pecifications.
ㆍMeasuring Accuracy : ≤1㎛
ㆍCycle Time : 45 초
ㆍRepeatability : ≤1㎛
ㆍGrading & Sorting
ㆍManual Gage for Shim
ㆍShim Stracker
Rear Axle Disk Inspection Equipment
It measures the runout of Rear Axle Disc in both sides, with the Axle Disc assembled into the Drive Shaft.
ㆍMeasuring Accuracy : ≤1㎛
ㆍRepeatability : ≤1㎛
ㆍCycle Time : 2 minutes
ㆍMearsurement on the conveyor
◆ Measuring system for inner race track
As a in line system, this is the machine for checking the rack of bearing inner race.
The measurement is performed dynamically and after the part divided into O.K & N.G.O.K part will be feed to the next machine and N.G part will be rejected into N.G chute
ㆍRepeatability by 30 consecutive cycle
ㆍ1) I.D < 2㎛
ㆍ2) Ovality < 1㎛
ㆍtoll. Diameter : ±15㎛
ㆍroughness: 2.5Rz↓
ㆍ편차량 2㎛ 이내일 것.
ㆍCycle time <12 sec.
◆ Measuring system for bearing inner race
As a in line system, this is the machine for checking the I.D of bearing inner race. The measurement is performed dynamically during oil shower and after the part divide O.K & N.G.
※ Repeatability by 30 consecutive cycle
ㆍI.D < 2㎛
ㆍOvality < 1㎛
ㆍCylindericity < 2㎛
◆ Crack detection system for orbit
As a in line system, this is the crack detection system for the orbit of hub. The crack detection sensor which is eddy current type will dynamically scan the orbit of part to detect cracks. In case the part will be rejected into N.G. chute
※ Minium crack size to be detected
ㆍMinium depth : 0.05 mm
ㆍMinium width : 0.075mm
ㆍMinium length : 3mm
◆ Measuring system for outter race track
As a in line system, this is the machine for checking the O.D of bearing outter race. The measurement is performed dynamically and after the part divide into O.K & N.G.O.K part will be feed to the next machine and N.G part will be rejected into N.G chute
ㆍOvality < 1㎛
ㆍRaceTaper < 5㎛
ㆍToll. Of race I.D : ±15㎛
ㆍRoughness < 2.5Rz
ㆍRepeatability by 30 consecutive cycle
◆ Crack detection system for outter race
This is the crack detection system for bearing outter race.
The crack detection sensor which is eddy current type will dynamically scan the surface of outter race to detect cracks. O.K part will be feed to the next machine and N.G part will be rejected into N.G chute
※ Minium crack size to be detected
ㆍMinium depth : 0.05 mm
ㆍMinium width : 0.075mm
ㆍMinium length : 3mm
◆ Material detection system
This is the material detection system by eddy current.
The system is checking not only the material but harden depth and hardness of surface so that O.K part will be feed to the next machine and N.G part will be rejected into N.G chute
◆ Measuring system for axis race
This is the machine for checking the O.D of bearing axis race. The measurement is performed dynamically and after the part divide into O.K & N.G.
O.K part will be feed to the next machine and N.G part will be rejected into N.G chute
ㆍOvality < 3㎛
ㆍ진원도: Φ3.0㎛↓
ㆍToll. Of race I.D : ±15㎛
ㆍRoughness < 2.5Rz
ㆍCycle time : 20sec
ㆍRepeatability by 30 consecutive cycle
◆ Crack detection system for axis of hub
This is the crack detection system for the axis of hub.
The crack detection sensor which is eddy current type will dynamically scan the surface of the part to detect cracks.
O.K part will be feed to the next machine and N.G part will be rejected into N.G chute
※ Minium crack size to be detected
ㆍMinimum depth : 0.05 mm
ㆍMinimum width : 0.075mm
ㆍMinimum length : 3mm
Measuring system for bearing pitch
This is the machine for checking bearing pitch.
The measurement is performed statically and after the part divide into O.K & N.G.
O.K part will be feed to the next machine and N.G part will be rejected into N.G chute
◆ Bearing Runout
The Measuring Machine is designed to measure specified dimensional and geometric parameters of the bearing on 100% of the parts manufactured according to customer's specifications.
▶ Runout (Turning on 5kg forces condition)
ㆍMeasuring Accuracy : ≤1.5㎛
ㆍCycle Time : 8 seconds
ㆍRepeatability : ≤1㎛
ㆍRetooling for Prt change
◆ Automatic Measuring Machine for Bearing Pitch
The Measuring Machine is designed to measure specified dimensional and geometric parameters of the bearing on 100% of the parts manufactured according to customer's specifications.
▶ Bearing pitch on groove
▶ Distance
ㆍMeasuring Accuracy : ≤1.5㎛
ㆍRepeatability : ≤1㎛
ㆍCycle Time : 45 seconds
ㆍWashing & Rejecting
ㆍRetooling for Part change
Crank Shaft Rear Hole Measuring System
This measuring machine is to be checked the X.Y Axis diameter and overality.
ㆍX.Y axis diameter
ㆍRecoiling device