- As Servo motor are attached to this machine, it is easy to operate and can produce various type s of torsion springs. this machine is suitable for mass production.
- Inputting d ata is done by us ing the servo programs controlling both axes, and with other various functions. It can produce various types of products.
- Control the machine by using the servo motor, and it can control the position of angles up to 1/1000 depends on the shape of spring. Hence, the high spee d porduction is possible. Also, the user can set up or alter the rotation angle of scroll by the unit of 0.1 during the operation.
- There are two types of inputting methods. There are the scale inputting by the main rotation CAM and the data inputting. The user can choo se eith er of them at his/her convenience.
- Inputtin g or editing data is done b y t he touch screen, which the screen itself carries out the inputting function. Therefore the operation board is not complicated, to perform.