* Type of winding : Precision
* Yarn speed : 1200m/min
* Traverce length : 6" 7" 8"
* Tube : Cylindrical or conical
* Drive : indivisual per motor / Frequency inverter
* Drum pitch : 350
* Size of full package : Square end for 6"~8" 200mm
Taper end for 6"~8" 180mm
* Yarns : all soft spun and filament yarn
* Tension : Gate type release tension
Over feed roll system
* No.of spindel : multip of 5
* Option
-Yarn Counter
* Description
- The winder is able to wind various types of threads.
- Winding taper can be varied to your requirement to the maximum of 35 degree.
- In order to minimize change in the tension caused by winding, the winder varies the tension to
the amount to be wound so that the optimal tension is maintained.
- Grease is used in the cam box rather than oil preventing the thread from being tainted.
- Noise from running on high speed is minimized. There’s no change in TPM.