Korea corp

Material handling and Automotive parts manufacturer, Container, Spring handle, Hinge production and more

Combination Pallet (ACP100)

Series Logistics - Pallet
Product Description

Size (W x D x H)

   Open Dim. 1,100 X 1,100 X 1,100H (m/m)


   Folded Dim. 1,100 x 1,100 x 340H (m/m)



   Lightweight Type 30 kg(Excluding Pallet)


   Mid-Wght Type 38 kg(Excluding Pallet)

Load Weight)

   1 ton x 4 layers


Surface Coat'g)

   Powder Coating/Zinc Galvanized




ㆍSimple design for quick and easy assembly/disassembly.

ㆍ축소 Size reduced to 1/3 when in folded-mode for empty storage.

ㆍ100% compatibility with steel, plastic, and wood pallets.

ㆍLightweight, great strength, and economical design.

ㆍBar attachable on front and rear.

ㆍCapable of multi-stage loading and provides great safety.

ㆍExcellent for warehouse storage.



ㆍPatent pending


Purchase Inquiry

ㆍContact Korea Corp main office



ㆍKorea Corp service/repair center available.

ㆍAvailable free/paid repair service.

Products of Korea corp