· 50 ~ 5,000Liters
· New Functional Mixer System that combines different mixing fuctions, and can disperse, assimilate, and compound large materials from low-viscosity to high-viscosity.
· Compoundable mixer: Upper Homo impeller , Paddle, Disper, Ribbon, Lower Homo Impeller
· Applicable field :
- Food : mayonnaise, sausces, chocolates, and so on.
- Pharmaceuical industry : ointments, creams, powder mixture, toothpaste, and so on
- Chemical industry : semi-conductor, covered paints, coating, abradant, water-proof seat

HB Engineering
Homo, Agi homo, Line, Agitator, Industrial mixer, Reactor, Extractor, Cosmetic products and more
Name |
Combi Mixer |
Series | Production Facilities |
Product Description
Products of HB Engineering
For Laboratory
Vacuum Homo Mixer
For Laboratory
Vacuum Agi Line Power Mixer
For Laboratory
Planetary Mixer
For Laboratory
Super Mixer
For Laboratory
For Laboratory
Vacuum Agi Homo Mixer
For Laboratory
Multi Mixer
For Laboratory
Neo Cooker
Cheese Cooker
Neo Cooker
Production Facilities
Super Mixer
Production Facilities
Vacuum Agi Homo Mixer
Production Facilities
Planetary Mixer
Production Facilities
Production Facilities
Ekato Homo Mixer
Production Facilities
Production Facilities
Production Facilities
Combi Mixer
Production Facilities
Line Homo Mixer
Production Facilities
Vacuum Agi Line Power Mixer
Production Facilities
Homo Mixer
Production Facilities