Product description
●Built in basic 2D CAD
●Supply fundamental figure of parametric technique
●Auto Dimension
●DXF, DWG file Interface
●Automatic awareness of figure which have problem as like Drop, duplication
●Automated unit product definition
●Automatic positioning according as enter/ out of thickness, materials and shapes type.
●An array of manual of Drag- and-Drap
●An array of manual of copy, mirror and rotate
●Automatic insert array (It it array to sequenced)
●True shape nesting
●Maintain interval between product and product during autometic insert
●Remnant nesting
●Specified features remnants and cutting
●Automatic creation technique of specified single materials
●Indicate automatic cutting method(The minimum distance, the minimum heat change, up and down, left and right)
●Auto Plate Cropping
●Auto Bridge Cut
●Auto Common Cut
●Auto bevel
●Cutting verification (Entry line and cutting line should automatically verify the overlapping each other)
●Single materials or array of materials are stored as DXF automatically
●Residue management(After cutting, store, calling and management of data base,automatically)
●Materials management (Materials inventory and usage checking)
●Output of work report as demand of user