Auto-Sliding canopies are normally in a folded position, but automatically open up when sensors detect rain or snow, and can be installed at subway station entrances to provide citizens with an additional level of convenience. In June 2008, Hyundai Elevator, together with the Seoul Metropolitan Infrastructure Headquarters, developed and submitted a patent for the world’s first auto-Sliding canopy.
Next generation system providing greater safety and convenience
The Auto-Sliding Canopy resolves many issues related to canopies, including the need for canopies to improve citizens’ safety versus the demands from adjacent store owners to remove permanent type canopies. It is a next generation system that enhances safety of citizens, protects escalators from the elements, resolves complaints from store owners, and reduces inconvenience to pedestrians.
A system that is considerate of city appearance and our living environment
The system solves the problem of traditional fixed canopies blocking store signs, by folding out of the way during normal weather and unfolding a transparent canopy during rain or snow, providing a solution that satisfies store owners demands as well as improves the city’s appearance..