Be the company like taking a step ahead of other company in the change of wave and leading to the new millennium.
For the last a few years, the existing paradigm of human civilization has been completely changed by the appearance of high speed information network and the increasing numbers of Internet users and advancement of mobile technology.
he invisible core semiconductor component, LSI (large scale integration) makes all these digital innovation possible. On the development side, LSI has the features of traditional industry, but on the speed of development side, it has the characteristics of cutting-edge high tech industrial component. Also each an every function blocks should do their own role and humanized only then the LSI can work well.
TLi was founded with the vision of contribution to the development of Korea semiconductor industry by doing their best in their own position and respect and love each other just like the harmonization of LSI. Li will not only stand firmly In the middle of change but also take the lead the change of wave rather than swept away by the waves. TLi will be on the cutting edge position in the LSI area and is trying to contribute toward the progress of our civilization in the new millennium.
We all TLi members promise that we do our best to give dream and hope to our society through the seamless self-innovations and challenge. We honestly ask your lovely interest and hearty supports in the future.
Phone | +82-31-784-6800 |
Fax | +82-31-784-6809 |
Company Catalog | |
Company Address | 12, Yanghyeon-ro 405beon-gil, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea |