Sungwon Enterprise

Upper Deck Block, Upper Deck Unit, Under Deck Block, Under Deck Unit, Manifold Unit For LNG

Sungwon has produced marine equipment and plant related products under the motto of company “honest mind, creative thinking, sincere working” since we founded in 1992. We have performed continuous technological development and quality improvement and have operated company affiliated R&D institute to meet the needs of customers and produce better products.

We will return your favor and support with best quality and customer satisfaction and with “Trust and passion”, We will do our best in developing new business area to keep pace with the change of the global plant industry market.

Phone +82-51-831-2140
Fax +82-51-831-2144
Company Catalog Catalog-Sungwon Enterprise.pdf Catalog-Sungwon Enterprise.pdf
Company Address 36, Noksansaneopjung-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Korea