Sigma Eltec

Tester, Measuring equipment, Oscillator, Analyzer and Generator manufacturer

SigmaEltec, established in 1987, has been developing and manufacturing various measurement equipments such as Fo/Ze tester, loudspeaker test oscillator, speaker polarity checker, audio analyzer and loudspeaker durability test system over 20 years and providing such equipment not only to the domestic speaker manufacturers but also to the overseas companies in China, Japan, India, and Philippines.

We will do our best to be a world-top supplier in this industry and manufacture our products equipped with efficiency and convenience in order to help our customers produce their own products with better quality.

We promise to supply only the product with best quality.

Phone +82-51-805-1718
Fax +82-51-805-4520
Company Catalog
Company Address 33, World cup-daero, Yeonje-gu, Busan, Korea