Electric wiring manufacturer

SEHONG, and Expert of ‘Electric Wiring (EW)’

As an expert of ‘electrical wiring’ in the premises SEHONG has been grown kept on philosophy of contribution in society thru value creation of state of the art.

We are steady to serve our client one of the wisest system of a long sustainable EW module with telecom appliance.

Thus, we are in getting love of customers.

SEHONG has provided customers with convenience and satisfaction in the basis of keen know-how, distinguishable product and tailored service, in order to innovate such unwise wiring and wastes of energy.

Phone +82-1670-1610
Fax +82-31-737-9396
Company Catalog
Company Address 16, Tapsil-ro 58beon-gil, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea