Besides of short period of time from the foundation of company, we can grow very fast. We are sure, those results are based on the great supports and encouragements from our customers and also big efforts of our employees to create innovative thinking, make fast decision and activity.
* Advanced R&D systems to meet the customer ' s requirements.
* Optimized production systems to get the high quality products.
* Customized C/S systems to get full satisfaction of customers ' needs.
We believe all of these efforts are very important roll in a growth engine of our company.
Now, PTC are confronted with big take off stage
We will prepare long term plan to achieve our visions for 10 to 20 year's later.
And we promise do our best efforts to achieve our visions with systematic and step by step strategies.
We would like to have continuing supports and encouragements of yours, and wish you happiness.
Phone | +82-31-335-7966 |
Fax | +82-31-335-1603 |
Company Catalog | |
Company Address | 2374-35, Jungbu-daero, Yangji-myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea |