Automobile parts manufacturer, Seat heater, Climatic seat and more

New customer satisfaction in 21th century promises something to resuscitate as the company which supply the bhrough general customer satisfaction management with sense of missest product by the best service by continuous improvement tion and new highbrow's ideology which raise enterprise value because provides automotive various kinds solutions by target and challenges in the world superlative quality by high-octane trustability through 100% warranty of quality.
I pledge something may display continuously and advances more progressive product that correspond to customer desire and helps in country competitive power raising.
Maximize enterprise value by efficient management because raises continuous development possibility of KWANGJIN WINTEC Co., Ltd, and choose value activity for customer by enterprise's point value because accomplishes corporate culture fixing of quality and the efficiency center and I will do so that can focus capacity of all of the employees to realize this. 

I thank to customers who support KWANGJIN WINTEC Co., Ltd and I ask for your help and encouragement forward.

Phone +82-51-711-2222
Fax +82-51-711-2525
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Company Address 110, Jangansandan 9-ro, Jangan-eup, Gijang-gun, Busan, Korea