Gasket raw material, Automobile, Industrial gasket, Liquid sealant and more

With an enthusiasm and a challenge towards the world`s top-class enterprise, We will grow up continuously based on the technical excellence.

We, KSP, were established in the year of 1996 to deal mainly with gasket materials for automotive uses, however, deal nowadays all kinds of gasket materials including industrial uses such as ship-building and pipe-lines for chemical plants.

Now, we are very proud of our uppermost sales volume in Korea domestic markets as our products are focused by excellent quality and services. On the other hand, through recent M&A and facility expansion projects, it has been made possible for us to organize a research institute, so that we could open up a new sphere of gasket technologies.

KSP is a youthful company endeavoring towards top-class enterprise in the world with our dictums of “Reliance”, “Originality”, and “Challenge”.

Phone +82-41-564-6263
Fax +82-41-564-6265
Company Catalog
Company Address 54, Dowonni 1-gil, Byeongcheon-myeon, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea