Hankuk Miboo

Manufacturer of Spiral Duct, Level instrument, refrigeration unit, deck covering and more

Since out establishment in 1973, as manufacturer of SPIRAL DUCT, LEVEL INSTRUMENTS, REFREERATION UNITS, DECK COVERING, UPPER DECK, PIPING UNIT & STEEL PIPE for vessel. We have offered better quality services. Our motto is responding to the various needs of our customers, pursuing economical efficiency. Hankuk miboo company is one of the main manufactures in Korea for many types of shipbuilding items. To satisfy the demand of uswers in domestic and overseas markets, we have developed our engineering and production capability. We are in accordance with the national and international regulations such as KR, DNV, ABS, LR, NK, BV. We promise to do our best to develop the technique to produce the equipments and materials in shipbuilding and industry and to make a improving of its product with a multi-producing system. We hope from the bottom of our heart you will give us favorable inquiry and guidance in our efforts.

Phone +82-51-263-3621
Fax +82-51-262-3734
Company Catalog
Company Address 143, Hasinbeonyeong-ro, Saha-gu, Busan, Korea